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帖子  Admin 周五 四月 02, 2010 2:42 pm

Adopting the manually collected pine_pollen as main materials,it promotes humen metabolism,regulating intema secretion system and strengthening immunity.it is a purenatural healthcare priduct,with full supply of nutrition,ensuring agerasia & beautification,preserving health,improving physiqe and maintaining vigor.

Brief Introduction to the GuoZhen Pine Pollen

As a result of the development and production initiated by China New Era Group, GuoZhen pine pollen is a kind of food-treatment and health-care delicacies which are refined with pollen of canda equina pine and oil pine, two unique species of tree growing up in China. GuoZhen pine pollen has been appoved by the Ministry of Public Health of the People's Republic of China with the number of 529 [1997].

History of application
[I] Record of successive dynasties pharmacopoeia
In the treasury of Chinese traditional medicine, pine pollen is a kind of pollen that can be used as drug and food. As a kind of Chinese tradition medicine the history of pine pollen being used as drug and food has lasted for several thousand years. It had been recorded by successive dynasties pharmacopoeia from <<Shen Nong Ben Cao Scripture >>2400 years ago to the "Chinese Pharmacopoeia" today. Particularly it was regard as a "taoist magic drug" in civilian -world because of its magic effect.
<<Shen Nong Ben Cao Scripture >> Han Dynasty
"Pine pollen tastes sweet and peaceful without any poison, chiefly coping with vicious Qi from cold and fever in heart and abdomen, easy urinating, removing blood clot, lighting weight,nourishing Qi and coming up with macrobiosis when long-term taking it."
<<New modified Ben Cao>>: Tang Dynasty
"Pine pollen names pine yellow too because it looks like cattail pollen, long-term using can light weight. The treatment effect of pine pollen is superior to fur or leaf or grease of pine tree".
<<Ben Cao Yan Yi >> Song Dynasty
"The yellow powder of the flower was named pine yellow, People in mountain area flick and gain it in time, and it can be made as delicious pastry. But because it can't be stored up long it was rarely transported to place far away from its birthplace. Pine yellow just look like cattail pollen but with a light taste, it can cure postnatal high fever, headache, cheek lean, dry mouth, dry lips, agitation, thirsty, muddle and unpleasant mood as well."
<<Ben Cao Outlines>> Ming Dynasty
"Pine pollen tasting sweet, mild, no poison, moist heart and lung, nourishing Qi, expelling Feng, stopping bleed and brewing wine as well"
<<Ben Cao Cong Xin >> Qing Dynasty
"Pine pollen being good at curing various of smallpox, sore, hurt as well as moist rotten which can't scab by itself."

[II] Recording of history of drug-meals in successive dynasties
As early as Previous Qin dynasty "food-curing science" had been recorded in<<Zhou Li>> in which there were lots of philosophical comments on the relationship between drink and food and disease, which in turn established the Chinese medicine theory of curing the disease before it taking place. After that people edited many kinds of editions of <<Food Curing Ben Cao >> which recorded many kind of food-drugs. There were a lot of records of pine pollen being used in soup stuff, cakes, and brewing wine as well in this books.
<<Shan Jia Qing Gong>>Song Dynasty.
The production process of pine pollen cakes was mentioned in this book: when pine flower is issuing powder, people collect flower powder and add in with rice flour, Seal it up several days after blending it with water then model it according to the shape of ancient dragon cakes. This article not only smells sweet and tastes pleasant but also it can make appearance more beautiful and can nourish people's will.
<<Qun Fang Pu>> Ming Dynasty
"When the candle snuff breaking out during February or March, flower length arrives at three or four Chinese inch. And when flower is in full bloom, people spread out the ground with cloth, strike and gain it's stamen named pine yellow. It can expel Feng and stop bleeding and cure dysentery. Combined with brown sugar it can make cakes full of nice smelling. It's fit to eat immediately after produced because it can't last long".

[III] Record in literature of successive dynasties
During several thousand years of the long history there was not only legend of "beauty well" about pine pollen, but also the record of pine pollen being distributed to empire as tribute every spring. Men of letters and poet holies particularly leave behind with immortal poems to eulogize it.

<<Making up Storey >>written by Zhang Qin in Tang dynasty and <<Ling Biao Lu Yi>>written by Liu Xun mentioned that there was a "beauty well" under the double horn mountain of white state in Jin dynasty. And all people who drink of water of the well would had a very beautiful girl if they had given birth to a girl .The reason for this was that the well was beside perennial bloom pine which dropped it's flower powder down into the well, and drinking the water containing pine pollen exerted an effect of cosmetology .
"After drinking pine flower wine when abdomen was empty .I am contented with the fate and without any worry," written by Bai Ju Yi,a poet in Tang dynasty. "Mixing and pounding with pine flower no less than 0.5Kg and 8 Liang un-roasted cattail pollen and five Qian Japanese pagoda tree flower and five Qian of apricot and 2 Jin white honey, Either it was eated or bathed with, it can stay your appearance until you are very old." written by Su Dong Po, a rhetorician in Song dynasty. All of this above illustrated pine pollen's peculiar and wonderful functions from different aspects.

Components and Functions
I. Pine pollen is a natural mini-nutrition treasury.
The secret of the pine always being green and never appearing senile through thousand years lay in that as a sperm cell of pine, pine pollen is the source of life. GuoZhen pine pollen contains all nutrition portions necessary for long life such as many kinds of protein, amino acid, mineral, enzyme, coenzyme, nucleic acid, monosaccharide, polysaccharide etc. all up to 200 kinds of nutrition portions. Table 1-3 below is a part of components detected.

Table1, List of amino acid in pine pollen
Name of amino acid Content (mg/100g) Name of amino acid Content (mg/100g)
asparagic acid, Asp 1098 isoleucine, Ile 539
Threonine, Thr 492 leucine , Leu 846
Serine, Ser 522 Tyrosine, Tyr 365
Amino glutaric acid, Glu 1579 Phenylalanine, phe 572
aminoacetic acid ,Glu 698 lysine,lys 802
alanine,Ala 564 histidine,His 189
Cystine, cys 112 arginine,Arg 998
Valine, Val 646 proline, Pro 884
Mertionin, met 166 Tryptophan,Trp 149

Table 2, List of main Vitamin in pine pollen
Name of vitamin Content ug/100g) Name of vitamin Content (ug/100g)
V B1 6070 VE 3240
V B2 486 VC 56200
nicotinamide 24000 VD3 22.8
VB6 1300 VA 43.2
Folic acid, VM 930 b-carotin 26.2

Table 3, List of main frequent elements and trace elements
Name of element Content (ppm) Name of element Content (ppm)
potassium.K+ 3118.8 iron,Fe 129.9
Sodium Na+ 516.8 Manganese, Mn 280.7
Calcium Ca# 481 Copper, Cu 4.3
Magnesium 1427.5 Zinc 9.8
Phosphorum 3609.1 Selenium 0.1

From the data shown in tables above you can easily find out that pine pollen is indeed a kind of natural mini-nutrition treasury. By the way, tests mentioned above were assayed by ZheJiang Province Central Laboratory of Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources, and Food Department of Beijing Agriculture University, and Physical-Chemistry Assay Center of Shenyang Branch of Chinese Academy.

II. The relationship between pine pollen and health of mankind
Pine pollen is a kind of health food with obvious effect. It can nurse one's health through all system of the body. It's main medical care functions are shown as below:
(I). Pine pollen and anti-fatigue effect
Pine pollen contains balanced nutrition portions, which are necessary for recovering from fatigue rapidly and thoroughly. There are two tests about ant-fatigues function of pine pollen.
1,Standing power test of mice: the group of mice taken pine pollen on the basis of normal diet can swim for a longer time under-load than the control group of mice, which indicate that pine pollen can anti-fatigue and reinforce the standing power of animals (as shown in table 4)

Table 4, animal staying power test (with or without pine pollen).
Groups Dosage (mg/kg) Cases of animals Average swimming time P
Pine pollen 500 40 196.5±18.3 P<0.05
Control group 0 40 134.8±21.6

2,Thrist and hunger standing test of mice
The group of mice taken continuously with pine pollen for 10 days can survive longer than the control group after being completely fast and forbidden to drinking water, which indicated that pine pollen can reinforce animal's constitution and strengthen the ability of standing thirst and hunger (as shown in table5)

Table5 Thirst and hunger test of pine pollen
Groups Dosage (mg/kg) Cases Weight Survival time (hour)
Initial weight Weight before test
Pine pollen 300 30 21.3±0.9 27.9±1.1 78.3±9.3
Pine pollen 600 30 21.0±0.6 27.7±1.2 81.9±12.6
Control 0 30 21.2±0.5 27.9±1.0 60.6±11.5
From the tests mentioned above it is clear that pine pollen are beneficial for easy fatigued middle age or old age people, and are beneficial for strong physical strength workers as well. Besides, GuoZhen pine pollen had been detected by stimulant detection center of China Olympic Games with a result that it contains no forbidden component .so it is also an ideal invigoration for athlete.

(II). Pine pollen and postponing senile
Pine pollen contains large amount of anti-oxidation portions such as Vc, carotene and trace element selenium, etc., all of which can restrain super-oxidation of lipid and protein in vivo, and consequently postpone senile. There are several tests to prove this:
The result of pharmacology tests indicates that the group of mouse continuously taking pine pollen for a month has a higher activity of SOD (superoxide dismutase,SOD) in liver while has a lower content of lipofuscin in brain, heart and liver than those of control group(as shown in table6.7)

Table 6 the activity of SOD in mouse liver
Groups Dosage of pine pollen(mg/kg) Cases SOD (ug/mg)
Pine pollen group 300 20 19.3±0.27
Pine pollen group 600 20 20.4±0.31
Control group 0 20 1.50±0.24

Table 7 detected content of lipofuscin
Groups Dosage of pine pollen (mg/kg) Cases Viscera lipofuscin P (compared with contrast group)
1 300 20 BrainHeartLiver 0.11±0.040.09±0.02025±0.05 P<0.05P<0.05P<0.05
2 600 20 BrainHeartLliver 0.09±0.020.08±0.010.23±0.06 P<0.05P<0.05P<0.05
Control group 0 20 BrainHeartLiver 0.14±0.030.11±0.030.28±0.04

The tests above indicated that long-term taking pine pollen can clean up senile plaque; regain youth vigor. And that is why long-term taking pine pollen can stay slight and postpone aging.

(III). Pine pollen and cosmetology
Pine pollen can not only regulate physiological function but also can promote metabolism of skin cell and prevent skin cell from aging and increase the elasticity of skin and make skin pure white and ruddy. So it was given the reputation of "cosmetics that can be eaten"

Pine pollen contains not only rich amino acid which can be absorbed by skin cell but also contains all natural vitamin and many kinds of enzyme that was necessary for skin cell, And this is why it has a function of cosmetology. Particularly the cooperation of VC、VE、VB contained in pine pollen can activate cell,and keep a high level of SOD activity. So it can clear up free radical,block the production of chloasma and butterfly like-spot, eliminate melanin of skin, make skin look more pure-white and beautiful. Meanwhile long-term taking pine pollen will bring about an ideal treatment effect to itch of skin of old people. Besides, pine pollen can reduce and clean up zit. In addition to this, taking pine pollen will make your hair brighter and more graceful.

(IV). Pine pollen and gastrointestinal dysfunction
Pine pollen contains nearly one hundred kinds of enzyme, which can promote vermiculation, increase appetite, assist to digest. In brief, pine pollen has an obvious regulation function for gastrointestinal dysfunction.

(V). Pine pollen and liver protecting
Pine pollen can keep liver cell in a right order, normalize bile secretion, prevent liver disease from taking place, and help liver to neutralize poison. Many experiments proved that pine pollen can protect liver cell. Two of these kinds of experiments are shown below:
1,Taking pine pollen promote obviously to regain the weight of mouse whose two of third liver had been cut off (as shown in table Cool.

Table 8, pine pollen promote to regain the weight of mouse
whose two of third liver had been cut off
Groups Dosage (g/10kg) Cases Weight increased
Control 0 20 -0.45±0.34
Pine pollen 0.5 20 0.46±0.48
Pine pollen 1.0 20 0.98±0.162
2,Pine pollen can obviously reduce death rate of ethanol poisoning mouse and ease the degree of swell of liver cell with high dosage group showing a better result (as shown in table 9).

Table 9, pine pollen and it's protecting to ethanol poisoning mouse
Groups Dosage (g/10kg weight) Cases Death cases Weight of liverG(X±SE)
Empty control 0 20 0 0.99±0.03
Ethanol 0.15 20 11 1.32±0.05
Pine pollen 0.5 20 2 1.02±0.03
Pine pollen 1.0 20 0 1.00±0.04

Besides, taking large dosage of pine pollen ahead of drinking can prevent the damage of wine to liver, and taking it after drinking can also help liver recover from the damage of wine. Pharmacology experiments above was fulfilled by Plants-Medicine Institute of China Medical College

(VI). Pine pollen and supporting heart and blood vessel
As a natural nutrition treasury pine pollen can improve metabolism, regulate endocrine, mobilize substitute excrete, improve the function of heart and blood vessel, and keep the heart and vessel in right order. Magnesium in pine pollen not only can activate the enzyme system, but also can play as a carrier for some kind of nutrition portion. Chromocor can obviously cut down blood fat and cholesterol. Vitamins can increase elasticity of vessel wall and improve the situation of microcirculation of heart and brain. Experiment fulfilled by physical library of Munich technical university in Germany indicate that taking pine pollen can lower density of cholesterol in mice tested, and that pine pollen are beneficial to arterial blood vessel.

Table 10, pine pollen and it's effect to density of cholesterol in rat serum
and lipo-protein differently.
Group 1 2 3 4
Pine pollen (%) 2 5
Serum mg/100ml 67.1±0.3 71.1±0.9 67.3±9.2 71±9.3
HDL mg/100ml 35.0±6.2 35.9±5.4 37.9±4.9 35.8±3.2
LDL mg/100ml 32.0±6.8 32.0±7.2 27.2±8.6 34.3±7.0
VLDL mg/100ml 0.2±1.7 3.5±2.9 2.2±2.1 0.9±1.8

(VII). Pine pollen and constipation
Pine pollen can cure constipation because of it's rich nutrition. Taking pine pollen can immediately improve constipation caused by dyspepsia and disease of upper digestive tract because it can correct gastrointestinal dysfunction. And because Magnesium and VB6 in pine pollen can calm the muscular spasm, pine pollen can also improve constipation caused by nervous.

(VIII). Pine pollen and other disease.
Pine pollen also has an un-expectant treatment effect for different kind of disease such as cold, disease of prostate, anemia, diabetes, hypertension, asthma, rhinitis etc because pine pollen is a natural-nutrition treasury and it can improve immunity. Extraordinary it must be emphasized that pine pollen whose wall has not been broken through can dry moist, restraint bleeding and treat eczema yellow liquid sore, skin dissipated, pus dripping wet, bleeding from injury, diaper dermatitis. It is not only a magic drug to all kinds of sore and ulcer, but also an excellent article nursing the tender skin of

Main Features:
(I).Pure natural.
Pine pollen is mixture of two kind flower pollen of native plants, cauda equina pine and oil pine respectively which are growing up in the mountain area 1100-1500 metric height above sea level. Compared with bee-source pollen, pine pollen is collected artificially, so it has characteristic such as single pollen source, pure quality, stable component, no residue, no animal hormone etc. Pine pollen taste best among all kinds of plant pollen, it taste a slight fragrant. "Qi of pine can make people live long" announced ancients. So pine pollen was also named as "King of pollen". Relative scientific research and practice proved that long-term taking this medicine is safe and without any side effect
(II). Perfect nutrition
As a sperm cell of pistil of pine tree, pine pollen bear with the task of breeding or reproducing pine tree. With 200 kinds of nutrition reasonably matched within it pine pollen can supply and balance the nutrition necessary for human body. With so strong health care function and so extensive nursing scope it is indeed "a health guard" for people of different age and different constitution.

Pine pollen and Chinese traditional medicine
Through long-term of medical practice ancient medical scientist utilized theory of Yin Yang Wu Xing to medical domain to interpret physiological functions and pathological change of human body, so as to guide diagnose and treatment in clinical practice, that is to say, to decide therapeutic principle according to victory or wane of Ying Yang when people are ill, to select corresponding medicine with consideration of Ying Yang attribute of medicine. With this knowledge people can correct disequilibrium caused by illness, and can cure disease. Besides, Chinese traditional medicine particular lay stress on "nourishing life" which means that through appropriate supplement of drug and food people can maintain a balanced state of Ying Yang and can indeed live long healthfully.

As male germ cell and essence of pine tree, pine pollen contains all nutrition necessary for breeding a new life. It is also regard as the most perfect equilibrium body of Ying Yang in the world. It's nature is sweet and mild. It goes back through liver and spleen pathway. It tastes sweet and has advantage to warming spleen Qi and *** it travel more smoothly. Saliva of stomach can be transported to heart and lung with the action of spleen Qi. So it does moist heart and lung. It's function of nourishing Qi relay on that it nourish Yang Qi of liver because of it's warm nature. Meanwhile it nourish Ying Qi of spleen because of it's sweet nature. Beginning with nourishing spleen and improving Qi pine pollen can nurse one's health through all aspects. It can cure the disease when it take place, and nourish life when people are illness.

Development and production
Although pine pollen is rich for nutrition it has not yet been developed and utilized on large scale because of it's short flower season and of that pollen can only be collected in two or three days near Qingming Festival in Spring when it is a rainy season, and of that breaking of pollen wall and keeping fresh and storing are all worldwide tough problem. It was only until today that by adopting new technique such as hypothermia atmosphere cycle-flowing and wind-pole breaking through skill in the domain of aerospace, the cooperation development between China New Era Group and China Forest Science Academy turned it into reality to service common people on large scale. Pine pollen processed by new technique can be stored up for 3 years without losing of activity and ability to breed. The new arm forces technique whose wall broken rate arrive to 99 percent guarantees that all effective portions and competence nutrition be release off. As a result, human body can absorb it more easily.

The achievement of development of pine pollen draws attention and praise from home and abroad. Early or late it was awarded "gold prize of the 44th Nuremberg International New Thinking and New Invention and New production". "Invention prize of nation in 1993" " international golden prize and international special honor prize for outstanding contribution to humankind, offered by the meeting of 98 USA International New Production and meeting of International Honor Appraisal respectively. It was recommended to customers as a product approved by customers protection foundation in1995. It passed through customs conformity certification of FDA (Food and drug administration bureau) of America in 1998. Believing that pine pollen is a mini-nutrition treasury, Yu RuoMu, a famous dietician of china, acclaimed: "the development of pine pollen is an enterprise bringing benefit to the people."


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注册日期 : 10-04-02


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